The Baltic Sea Experiment

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Research Objectives
Water and energy cycles
Climate variability and change
Tools for water management
Biogeochemical cycles and transport processes
Coupled Regional Climate Models
The Baltic Sea basin
The Baltic Sea
Global and Regional Climate Models
Questions and Answers
Background > Water column profiles

Nitrite profiles show the activity of nitrifying bacteria

Nitrite is an intermediate product of nitrification and will not accumulate to high concentrations. Still, it shows the horizons of high nitrification activity. Note the sharp peak just above the oxicline. Here, in the lower part of the halocline, the nitrifying bacteria accumulate. They need oxygen, hence nitrification ceases completely in the anoxic zone.

More on nitrification here...
More on denitrification here...

Temperature and Salinity

Oxygen and Hydrogen Sulfide

Nitrate and Ammonium