The Baltic Sea Experiment

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Research Objectives
Water and energy cycles
Climate variability and change
Tools for water management
Biogeochemical cycles and transport processes
Coupled Regional Climate Models
The Baltic Sea basin
The Baltic Sea
Global and Regional Climate Models
Questions and Answers
Background > Water column profiles

The distribution of temperature, salinity and nitrogen nutrients in the water column in summer

Temperature and salinity are usually measured continuousely by means of sensors which are lowered from the ship into the water column. Nutrients and organisms which must be analysed on board or in the laboratory, require using discrete water samples which are able to collect water from specific depths. Water column variables are usually plotted vertically, i.e. with water depth as the vertical axis. Shown here are real measured water column profiles from the Gotland Sea from July 2002. These profiles are representative for a summer situation in the Baltic proper, and they explain much of what is typical for the biogeochemistry of the Baltic Sea.

Each profile is explained in detail. Click here to start, or on the respective profile below.