
Conference Presentations
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Oral presentations (chronological):
- Late Pleistocene climate change and it s impact on palaeogeography of the southern Baltic Sea region
Leszek Marks, University of Warsaw, Department of Climate Geology and Polish Geological Institute – National Research Institute, Warsaw
- Linking terrestrial and marine ecosys tems: Holocene land-cover changes and their effect on terrestrial carbon pools and coastal ecosystems along the Swedish Baltic coast
Anneli Poska, Nielsen A.B., Björk S., Br oström A., Filipsson H.L., Ghosh A., Khan M., Ning W., Åkesso n C., Conley D.J.
- Paleogeographiс investigations in the Kaliningrad region, Russia
Yuriy Kublitskiy, Subetto D., Arsla nov K., Druzinina O., Skhodnov I.
- The development of lake sedimentat ion since Older Dryas in Belarus
Aliaksei Novik
- Late Glacial to Holocene environmental changes with special reference to salinity reconstructed from shallow wate r lagoon sediments of the southern Baltic Sea coast
Sławomir Dobosz, Seddon A., Witkow ski A., Kierzek A., Cedro B.
- Simulation of the historical ecosystem state as a reference according to the Water Framework Directive
Rene Friedland, Schernewski G., Neumann T. 7
- The dynamics of the coastline of the Eastern Gulf of Finland: the natural processes and human activities on the natural disasters prevention
Petr Leontev
- Determination of the snow melting intensity in nowadays climate conditions by example of the Neman river basin
Alexander Volchak, Kostiuk D., Petrov D., Sheshko N.
- "Energiewende" in Germany - Issues and problems (Evening Lecture)
Friedrich Wagner, Max-Planck Institut für Plasmaphysik, Greifswald
- Effects of climate change on atmospheri c nitrogen deposition to the Baltic Sea
Jerzy Bartnicki, Simpson D.
- Future Wave Climate Projections at the German Baltic Sea Coast on the Basis of the Regional Climate Model Cosmo-CLM
Norman Dreier, Schlamkow C., Fröhle P., Salecker D.
- Comparison of the December 2013 storm surge with long-term severe storm events at the Pomeranian Bay coast (the southern Baltic Sea)
Halina Kowalewska-Kalkowska, Marks R.
- How reliable are selected methods of projections of future thermal conditions? A case from Poland
Joanna Wibig
- Application of hydrodynamic model of the Baltic Sea to the December 2013 storm surge representation along the Polish Baltic coast
Halina Kowalewska-Kalkowska, Kowalewski M.
- Frequencies of cyclones with different origin within the territory of Belarus and their impact to hydrometeorological conditions
Irina Partasenok, Melnik V., Chekan R.
- Influence of climate change on water resources in Belarus
Alexander Volchak, Parfomuk S.
- The violent mid latitude storm hitting Northern Germany and Denmark, 26 October 2013
Hans von Storch, Feser F., Lefebvre C., Stendel M.
- Effects of land management regulation s and measures on nitrogen leaching in the German Baltic Sea catchment
A. Wagner, Heidecke C., Kreins P., Venohr M.
- Effectiveness of Coastal and Flood Pr otection Structures in a Changing Climate
Peter Fröhle
- A method for estimating coastline re cession due to sea level rise by assuming stationary wind-wave climate
Junjie Deng, Harff J., Schimanke S., Meier H.E.M.
- Highly persisting patch formation areas in the Gulf of Finland, the Baltic Sea
Andrea Giudici, Soomere T.
- Subaerial beach volume change and sea level rise on decadal time scale in the Lithuanian coasts of the Baltic Sea
Darius Jarmalavi č ius, Kriau č i ū nien ė J., Žilinskas G., Pupienis D.
- On spatio-temporal variations of th e wave energy potential along the eastern Baltic Sea coast
Maris Eelsalu, Soomere T.
- Nicolaus Copernicus – 500 years of experimental science
Roman Marks, Szczecin University, Poland
- Nicolaus Copernicus – 500 years of hand written manuscript entitled “Commentariolus”
Roman Marks, Szczecin University, Poland
- Was uns der Augenschein, die Physik und die Bibel lehren - Ein Plädoyer für das geozentrische Weltbild
What intuition, physics and the bible te ll us – A plea for the geocentric world view
Jürgen Hamel, Archenhold-Sternwarte, Berlin, Germany
- Climate change and variability in Poland from Copernicus‘s time to present
Rajmund Przybylak, Nicolaus Copernicus University, Toruń , Poland
Poster presentations (alphabetical):
- Multiyear trends and variability in the Balt ic Sea level derived from satellite radar altimetry and ocean model
Jagoda Bialogrodzka, Jakacki J., Stramska M.
- A wind direction analysis for the Baltic Sea regi on: Is it possible to draw conclusions from mean wind statistics on extreme wind statistics?
Svenja Bierstedt, Zorita E., Hünicke B.
- Interactions between phytoplankton blooms a nd environmental conditions in the Baltic Sea – a modelling study
Agata Cieszy ń ska (Zuzewicz), Stramska M.
- The cyclical nature of seasonal precipitat ion in Pomerania in the period 1951 – 2010
Ma ł gorzata Czarnecka, Nidzgorska-Lencewicz J.
- Mean Baltic Sea Level in a changing climat e – a review of the observational period
Birgit Hünicke, Madsen K.S., Johannson M., Zorita E
- Changes of water balance elements of the Curonian Lagoon in the 21 st century
Darius Jakimavicius, Kriau č i ū nien ė J.
- Evolution of the Littorina Sea in the geoche mical record of Holocene sediments from western Baltic
Robert Kostecki
- How reliable are future projections of threats from the sea level rise?
Beata Kowalska, Sztobryn M.
- Valuation of environmental damage fr om the Penglai 19-3 oil spill, China
Xin Liu, Pan G.
- Climate change and adaptation measures of agriculture to these changes in Belarus
Viktor Melnik, Kamarouskaya A.
- Signal of wave climate change reflected by wave set-up height
Katri Pindsoo, Soomere T.
- Thermal conditioning of seasonal va riability of PM10 concentration in Zachodniopomorskie Voivodeship
Kacper Rawicki
- Spatial and temporal variability of sea surface temperature in the Baltic Sea based on 30- years of satellite data
Malgorzata Stramska, Wachuda A
- Analysis of social response to the threat of flooding , abrasion and methods coastal management, Hel Peninsula, Poland
Marzenna Sztobryn, Zawadzka-Kahlau E., Kowalska B.
- Coastal environment monitoring using HF ra dar system in the Yantai waters, China
Cheng Tang, Liu X., Xing Q., Zhan g H., Shi P., Mayerle R., Harff J.
- Assessment of soil surface water resources from SMOS satellite and in situ measurements in changing climatic conditions
Bogus ł aw Usowicz, Marczewski W., Ł ukowski M. I., S ł omi ń ski J., Usowicz J. B., Lipiec J., Rojek E
- Sandy beach recurrence to the quasi equilib rium profile after be ach replenishment
Edvardas Valaitis, Žiauberis M. ,Ivoškyt ė S., Gulbinskas S., Kelpšait ė L
- On sensitivity of wave-driven alongshore se diment transport patterns with respect to model setup and sediment properties
Maija Viška, Soomere T.
- The dynamic distribution of green tides in Ye llow sea and East China Sea and its relations to marine water quality conditions
Xing Q., Zheng X., Liu X., Tang C., Shi P., Harff J.
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