Advanced tool for scenarios of the Baltic Sea ECOsystem to SUPPORT decision making

ECOSUPPORT (Advanced tool for scenarios of the Baltic ECOsystem to SUPPORT decision making) is a BONUS funded project to address the urgent need for policy relevant information on the combined future impacts of climate change and industrial and agricultural practices in the Baltic Sea catchment on the Baltic Sea ecosystem.
The main aim is to provide a multi-model system tool to support decision makers. The tool is based upon scenarios from an existing state-of-the-art coupled atmosphere-ice-ocean-land surface model for the BS catchment area, marine physical-biogeochemical models of differing complexity, a food web model, statistical fish population models, economic calculations, and new data detailing climate effects on marine biota.
The expected outcome is an advanced modeling tool for scenario simulations of the whole marine ecosystem that can underpin and inform management strategies to ensure water quality standards, biodiversity and fish stocks.

ECOSUPPORT Kickoff Meeting, 26 January 2009 at the SMHI, Norrköping, Sweden
- ECOSUPPORT Final Report 2009-2011 (including annual report Y3: 2011-01-01 – 2011-12-31)
- AMBIO Special Issue
ECOSUPPORT – Different Ecosystem Drivers Under Future Climate Scenarios in the Baltic Sea now available here...
- Interview with Markus Meier, ECOSUPPORT coordinator, in Environmentalresearchweb here ...
- A new paper summarizing the results of ECOSUPPORT is published in Envionmental Research Letters. Link here...
- Climate and Baltic Sea Nutrients: ECOSUPPORT Research Highlight in Nature Climate Change here...
- The updated complete ECOSUPPORT publication list, as of 15 May 2012
Download here...
New publications here...
- New ECOSUPPORT paper by Meier et al. in Climate Dynamics
"Modeling the combined impact of changing climate and changing nutrient loads on the Baltic Sea environment in an ensemble of transient simulations for 1961–2099"
Download here...
- BONUS 125 ECOSUPPORT Final Report 2009 - 2011
Download here...
- New ECOSUPPORT publication receives international attention
The paper by Markus Meier et al. on ``Hypoxia in future climates: A model ensemble study for the Baltic Sea.'', Geophys. Res. Lett., 38, L24608, 2011 will be highlighted in the upcoming February issue of Nature Climate Change, see A. Brown, 2012: Low oxygen outlook. Nature Climate Change, 2, 75 (doi:10.1038/nclimate1406). This paper describes a central outcome of the ECOSUPPORT project and demonstrates the relevance of the ECOSUPPORT approach and the results also beyond the Baltic Sea area.
- Google Earth layer files to visualize different nutrient load scenarios
View the scenarios on the ECOSUPPORT DSS pages.
- New publication on nutrient load scenarios for ECOSUPPORT. Click here...
- ECOSUPPORT & RECOCA Stakeholder Conference was held at Stockholm University, 7 December 2011. The BONUS+ projects ECOSUPPORT and RECOCA arranged a joint stakeholder conference were the major outcomes of the research projects were presented. The theme of the day was to discuss nutrient load targets on land and in the sea in order to move towards a Baltic Sea unaffected by eutrophication, and economic costs for such nutrient load reductions.

New posters here...
New publications here ...
ECOSUPPORT won the BONUS+ reward for best outreach activity!

The prize was awarded for the work with the Geodome, and the prize was presented at the BONUS forum. ECOSUPPORT was also represented with the Geodome at the Baltic Development Forum and EUSBSR. We had many visitors in the dome and among others the Swedish Ministry of the Environment and the HELCOM chair, that congratulated ECOSUPPORT to the reward (above, from left: Gabriella Lindholm, Swedish Ministry of the Environment and HELCOM chair, Helén Andersson from ECOSUPPORT, Lena Ek, Swedish Minister for the Environment, and Patrik Wallman also from ECOSUPPORT). The prize of €2000 can hopefully contribute to making our final meeting memorable!
JOINT ECOSUPPORT & RECOCA FINAL CONFERENCE, Stockholm, 5-6 December, 2011. Registration and Details here...
ECOSUPPORT Internal meeting minutes here...

An outlook to the future Baltic Sea: how can we reach the targets of the Baltic Sea Action Plan? Stockholm 7 December 2011. Registration and further details here...
Aftermath and presentations
at the Baltic Nest website here...
- ECOSUPPORT Workshop on "Scenarios and long-term hindcasts" at BNI, Stockholm, Sweden, 8-10 March 2011.
Agenda and participant list here...
- ECOSUPPORT Annual Report Y2: 100101-101231
Download here...
- ECOSUPPORT General Assembly
SMHI, Norrköping, Sweden, 15 October 2010
Minutes, status reports and presentations now available (password protected) ...
- Uncertainties of scenario simulations”, SMHI, Norrköping, Sweden, 14 October 2010
Presentations now available...
- Climate Modelling School (organized by AMBER)
at SMHI, Norrköping, 13 October 2010.
Agenda and Abstracts...
Subsequent BONUS+ workshop on 14 October for Ph.D students with contributions from ECOSUPPORT and IBAM.
- WP4 Meeting Sopot, 6-7 September 2010
Minutes and material available
- WP 3 Data Exchange and Integration Workshop September 13, 2010 DTU Aqua, Charlottenlund
Minutes available
- Summary of historical data by Tuija Ruoho-Airola and Maija Parviainen
- A new joint ECOSUPPORT consortium poster and presentation given at the 6th Study Conference on BALTEX and the EUTRO 2010
- ECOSUPPORT Decision Support System web pages now online. Click here
- ECOSUPPORT General Assembly
15 Oct 2010, SMHI, Norrköping, Sweden
Agenda here...
- Uncertainties of scenario simulations”, SMHI, Norrköping, Sweden, 14 October 2010.
Workshop for scientists concerned with modelling of climate scenarios, nutrient load and atmospheric deposition scenarios, fishery scenarios, risk management, etc. with focus on the Baltic Sea Region. Invited speakers are Dr Samu Mäntyniemi and Dr Jouni Räisänen from University of Helsinki. Abstracts are welcome until 15 September 2010
Travel and accomodation infos
- ECOSUPPORT Management Group Telephone Conference
10 June, 2010, 13:00 CET. Minutes here...
Stockholm, 5 May 2010. Minutes here...
- ECOSUPPORT Management Group Telephone Conference
Mon, 12 April 2010, 13:00 CET Minutes here...
Find WP Reports on the Internal page
- BONUS ANNUAL CONFERENCE 2010, 19-21 January 2010, Vilnius, Lithuania. Ecosupport presentations and poster here...
- ECOSUPPORT Management-Group Telephone Meeting
9 December 2009
Minutes here
