BALTEX Assessment of Climate Change for the Baltic Sea Basin
BACC II Internal
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This section of the BACC II Website is for internal use only. It shall serve as a place for distribution of comprehensive material such as draft book chapter files, ppt presentations, or other relevant information.
Tallinn Conference Material
Posters here...
Presentations here...
Table of Contents with direct links
WARNING! This page below contains old material!
Draft Chapters for internal review (process completed)
Chapter 2: Past climate variability
Chapter 3: Recent (mainly 200yr) and current climate change
Chapter 3.2. Atmosphere
Chapter 3.3. Land
Chapter 3.4. Baltic Sea
Chapter 4: Modelling future climate change
Chapter 5: Impacts (in competition with non-climatic drivers)
Chapter 5.2. Impacts on the environment
Chapter 5.3. Socio-economic impacts
Chapter 6: Attributing causes of regional climate change
3rd BACC II Lead Author Meeting in Copenhagen, 9-10 February 2012
Lead Author´s presentations given at the meeting
Chapter Summaries as of September 2011
* incomplete, sub-chapters pending
2nd BACC II Lead Author Meeting in Hamburg, 28-29 March 2011
Lead Author´s presentations given at the meeting
Lead Author´s chapter overviews and contributing authors
1st BACC II Lead Author Meeting in Gothenburg, 23-24 November 2010
Agenda and book structure with Lead Authors
Minutes (to follow)
Participant list
Timeline, milestones and
meetings (as of 24 November 2010)
Main presentations
Lead Author´s short overviews
BACC II SSC Meeting in Lund, Sweden, on 12 and 13 April 2010