BALTEX (the Baltic Sea Experiment) is a Regional Hydroclimate Project (RHP) within the Global Energy and Water Exchanges Project (GEWEX) of the World Climate Research Programme (WCRP).
The research focus of BALTEX Phase I (1993-2002) was primarily on the hydrological cycle and the exchange of energy between the atmosphere and the surface of the Earth, as they control and regulate the climate in a fundamental manner. BALTEX Phase II (2003-2012) has extended the scope of research to regional climate change, water management and biogeochemical cycles and transport processes in the regional
Earth system. The study region of BALTEX is the
Baltic Sea
and its hydrological drainage basin, which constitutes a unique European water basin, creating specific demands on models and scientific concepts.
New Books
Schmidt-Thomé, P., J. Klein (Eds.)
Climate Change Adaptation in Practice - from strategy development to implementation
Wiley Blackwell Book Publication, 327 p., May 2013
ISBN 978-0-470-97700-2 More
Pastuszak, M., Igras, J. (Eds.)
Temporal and spatial differences in emission of nitrogen and phosphorus from the Polish territory to the Baltic Sea
National Marine Fisheries Institute,
Institute of Soil Science
and Plant Cultivation - State Research Institute
Fertilizer Research Institute, Gdynia, 2012. 448 p. ISBN 978-8361650-08-9
Reckermann, M., K. Brander, B.R. MacKenzie, A. Omstedt (Eds.)
Climate Impacts on the Baltic Sea: From Science to Policy
Series: Springer Earth System Sciences. Springer Verlag,
, 2012. 216 p. More
Schmelzer, N., J. Holfort, M. Sztobryn, P. Przygrodzki (Eds.)
Climatological Ice Atlas for the western and southern Baltic Sea (1961-2010)
ISBN 978-3-86987-278-0, BSH No. 2338 More
Omstedt, A.
Guide to Process Based Modeling of Lakes and Coastal Seas
Series: Praxis Books, Geophysical Sciences. Springer Verlag, Heidelberg, 2011. 310 p. More
New Articles
Omstedt, A., Elken, J., Lehmann, A., Leppäranta, M., Meier, H.E.M., Myrberg, K., Rutgersson, A. 2014
Progress in physical oceanography of the Baltic Sea during the 2003-2014 period
Progress in Oceanography 128:139-171, November 2014
Contact Author:
Rutgersson, A., Jaagus J., Schenk F., Stendel M. 2014
Observed changes and variability of atmospheric parameters in the
Baltic Sea region during the last 200 years
Clim Res 61(2):177-190, September 2014
Contact Author:
Special Issue Oceanologia, Vol. 56, (2), 2014
7th Study Conference on BALTEX 2013, selected papers
12 papers, pdf | online
H.E. Markus Meier, Anna Rutgersson and Marcus Reckermann (2014)
An Earth System Science Program for the Baltic Sea Region
EOS 95 (13), 109-110
Kuliński, K., B. Schneider, K. Hammer, U. Machulik, D. Schulz-Bull 2014
The influence of dissolved organic matter on the acid-base system of the Baltic Sea
Journal of Marine Systems 132:106-115, April 2014
Contact Author:
Timo Vihma
Effects of Arctic Sea Ice Decline on Weather and Climate: A Review
Surv Geophys DOI 10.1007/s10712-014-9284-0

AMBIO Volume 43, Issue 1, February 2014
Special Issue: BONUS+ in Support of the Ecosystem Approach to Management in the Baltic Sea
Guest Editors: Andris Andrusaitis, Maija Sirola and Kaisa Kononen
News/Announcements archive here