Final Conference Programme |
Sunday 3 June: 14:00-18:00 Registration |
Monday 4 June |
8:00 |
Registration |
10:00 |
Opening Ceremony |
Jüri Elken, Tallinn University of Technology, Estonia, Member of the BALTEX SSG |
Andres Tarand, European Parliament, Estonia
Jaanus Tamkivi, Estonian Ministry of the Environment, Tallinn, Estonia
Urve Tiidus, Mayor of Kuressaare, Saaremaa, Estonia
Joakim Langner, Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute SMHI, Sweden, Chair of the BALTEX SSG
Opening Session
Chair: Sirje Keevallik |
11:00 |
The World Climate Research Programme Achievements and Future
Vladimir Ryabinin (solicited)
11:30 |
GEWEX Coordinated Energy and Water Cycle Observation Project
John Roads (solicited)
12:00 |
Common research interests for LOICZ and BALTEX in the Baltic Sea area
Jozef M. Pacyna (solicited)
12:30 |
Lunch |
Session 1: Improving Knowledge on Water and Energy Cycles
Chair: Hans-Jörg Isemer |
14:00 |
Performance of an ensemble of RCMs over the BALTEX area from the Inter-Continental Transferability Study (ICTS)
Burkhardt Rockel, B. Geyer, R. W. Arritt, J. McGregor, W. J. Gutowski Jr., C. Jones, I. Meinke, D. Paquin, J. Roads, E.Takle, U. Willén
14:20 |
BALTEX contribution to GEWEX: Independent estimates of the water and energy budgets in the Baltic Sea region?
Daniela Jacob
14:40 |
Investigation of the water and energy budgets in the BALTEX area, as simulated in a regional climate model
Petter Lind, E. Kjellström
15:00 |
The contribution of the BALTEX in-situ reference sites to CEOP
Frank Beyrich. W. Adam, F. Bosveld, J. Poutiainen, T. Savunen
15:20 |
Comparison of air-sea fluxes in the uncoupled and coupled BALTIMOS system
Philip Lorenz, D. Jacob, A. Lehmann |
15:40 |
Advances in weather radar based quantitative precipitation measurements for the purposes of climate research
Jarmo Koistinen, T. Kuitunen, D. Michelson
16:00 |
Break |
Session 1 continued
Chair: Andreas Lehmann |
16:30 |
Estimating climate trends using GPS
Tobias Nilsson, J. Johansson, M. Lidberg, G. Elgered
16:50 |
Observations and modelling of a cold-air outbreak over the Gulf of Finland
Lorenzo Claveri, T. Vihma, H. Savijärvi, B. Tammelin
17:10 |
Recent advances in the physical oceanography of the Gulf of Finland
Kai Myrberg, T. Soomere, M. Leppäranta, A. Nekrasov
17:30 |
Modeling the pathways and ages of inflowing salt- and freshwater in the Baltic Sea
Markus H. E. Meier
17:50 |
Testing a new swell-dependent drag coefficient in a process oriented ocean model
Björn Carlsson, A. Rutgersson, A.-S. Smedman
18:10 |
End of Monday’s Sessions |
20:00 |
Icebreaker |
Tuesday 5 June |
Session 2a: Past climate variability and change
Chair: Anders Omstedt |
8:30 |
How do we know that human influence is changing the climate in the Baltic Sea region?
Hans von Storch, J. Bhend (solicited)
9:00 |
Towards the detection of a human induced climate change in northern Europe
Jonas Bhend, H. von Storch
9:20 |
Precipitation pattern in the Baltic Sea drainage basin and its dependence on large-scale atmospheric circulation
Jaak Jaagus
9:40 |
Long-term temperature, salinity, and sea level records from the Baltic Sea entrance
Kristine Madsen, N. Højerslev
10:00 |
Air mass seasonality and winter season cold air masses in Latvia
Anita Draveniece
10:20 |
Break |
Session 2a continued
Chair: Daniela Jacob |
10:50 |
Modelling the Baltic Sea ocean climate on centennial time scale; temperature and sea ice
Daniel Hansson, A. Omstedt
11:10 |
Trends of temperature and salinity of the Baltic Sea for the period 1969-2005 and long-term variability of winter water mass formation
Andreas Lehmann, H.-H. Hinrichsen, S. Febiri, G. Tschersich
11:30 |
Stagnation periods and deepwater inflow dynamics: An analysis of measurements in the Baltic Sea during the 20th century
Erik Gustafsson, A. Omstedt
11:50 |
Trends, long-term variations and extremes of the northern Baltic Proper wave fields
Tarmo Soomere
12:10 |
Current and expected changes in river ice regimes within the Russian part of Baltic drainage basin
Valery Vuglinsky
12:40 |
Lunch |
14:00 |
Poster Discussion I
15:30 |
End of Tuesday’s Sessions |
16:30 |
Sightseeing Tour |
Wednesday 6 June |
Session 2a: Past climate variability and change continued
Chair: Hans von Storch |
8:30 |
Simulation of runoff in the Baltic Sea drainage basin during the past millennium
Jonas Olsson, L. P. Graham, J. Rosbjerg, S.-S. Hellström, E. Kjellström, R. Berndtsson
8:50 |
Climate simulations of the past millennium with the global model ECHO-G: Results for the Baltex area
Eduardo Zorita, S. Wagner, F. Gonzalez-Rouco, H. von Storch
9:10 |
Towards Policies and Adaptation Strategies to Climate Change in the Baltic Sea Region - The ASTRA Project
Walter Leal, F. Mannke (solicited)
Session 2b: Climate projections
9:40 |
The ENSEMBLES and the BALTEX projects
Markku Rummukainen, C. Hewitt, D. Jacob (solicited)
10:10 |
Session 2b: Climate projections continued
Chair: Dan Rosbjerg |
10:40 |
Changes in the water and energy budgets in the BALTEX area in future warmer climates as simulated in a regional climate model
Erik Kjellström, P. Lind
11:00 |
Transient simulations of future runoff to the Baltic Sea for the 21st century
L. Phil Graham
11:20 |
Precipitation Extremes under Climate Change in the Baltic Area as Simulated with a Regional Climate Model
Ole Bøssing-Christensen
11:40 |
Decadal variability of the hydrological cycle in the Baltic Sea region
Daniela Jacob, P. Lorenz
12:00 |
Prolonged periods with little rain during summer in Finland - Observations and future projections
Kirsti Jylhä, T. Kilpeläinen, A. Venäläinen, S. Saku, H. Tuomenvirta, K. Ruosteenoja, A. Vajda
12:20 |
Future wave climate of the Baltic Sea - projections with winds from the regional climate model RCA3 of the Rossby Centre
Barry Broman
12:40 |
Lunch |
Session 2c: Impact of Climate Change
Chair: Fritz Köster |
14:00 |
Climate change impact on the Baltic Sea ecosystem: The HELCOM view on future cooperation with BALTEX
Juha-Markku Leppänen, Hermanni Backer (solicited)
14:30 |
Climate change and land ecosystems of the Baltic Sea basin knowledge gaps and research priorities
Benjamin Smith (solicited)
15:00 |
RCM-downscaled climate indices requested by the Swedish Government Climate and Vulnerability Inquiry Committee: An overview and some remarks
Lars Bärring
15:20 |
Impact of climate change on the Baltic Sea ecosystem
Kari Eilola, H. E. M. Meier
15:40 |
Break |
Session 2c continued
Chair: Benjamin Smith |
16:10 |
Methods for assessing the impact of climate change on nutrient flows from catchments
Heikki Kaipainen, Ä. Bilaletdin, T. Frisk, A. Paananen
16:30 |
Perpetrator, victim and free-rider the ambivalent role of tourism and recreation for the climate change
Ralf Scheibe
Session 3a: Coastal Zone and Water Management
16:50 |
Adaptation to climate change in water management Baltic Sea Basin
Zbigniew W. Kundzewicz (solicited)
17:20 |
The application of the conceptual model metq2006 for the river Iecava basin as case study in Latvia
Ansis Ziverts, A.Bakute, E. Apsite
17:40 |
Water levels and flow in the river systems of Lake Vänern and Lake Mälaren
Sara-Sofia Hellström, S. Bergström, J. Andréasson
18:00 |
End of Wednesday’s Sessions |
18:15 |
Open Workshop on BALTEX Data Management:
"How to get Access to BALTEX Data Bases" |
20:00 |
End of Workshop |
Thursday 7 June |
Session 3a: Coastal Zone and Water Management continued
Chair: Josef Pacyna |
8:30 |
Performance of the operational HIROMB model in relation to the oceanographic extreme events and seasonal fluxes in the Gulfs of Finland and Riga
Jüri Elken, T. Kõuts, U. Lips, U. Raudseoo, P. Lagemaa, T. Liblik
8:50 |
GIS modelling of water transfer in system of river catchment lagoon sea (Pregel River Vistula Lagoon - Gdansk Gulf)
Natalia Goncharova, D. Domnin, A. Korzh, E. Gurova
Session 3b: The COASTMAN Project
9:10 |
COASTMAN Coastal Zone Management in the Baltic Sea region
Jan Fidler, R. Wennersten, N. Brandt, Å. Larsson (solicited)
9:40 |
Klaipeda Sea Deepwater Port Development Issue
Olga Belous, S. Gulbinskas, R. Mileriene
10:00 |
Coastal zone management in Haapsalu Bay area, Estonia
Arvo Iital, K. Vilta, E. Loigu, K. Roosalu
10:20 |
The Conflict in the Kadetrinne: The need for Integrative Approaches to Sustainable Coastal Zone Management in the Baltic Sea
Walter Leal, A. Holda, D. Krahn
10:40 |
Session 4: Linking BALTEX Science to Air and Water Quality and Impacts on Ecosystems
Chair: Ilppo Vuorinen |
11:10 |
Atmospheric input of nitrogen to the Baltic Sea Basin Present situation, trends, variability and impact of climate change
Joakim Langner (solicited)
11:40 |
Developing an integrated view on the Baltic Sea ecosystem: The EUR-OCEANS Baltic System Study
Fritz Köster, D. Turner, A. Omstedt, C. Möllmann, H. Gislason, R. Autio, A. Olsson and R. Diekmann (solicited)
12:10 |
Climate Change Impacts on the Ecosystems of the North Sea and Relevance to the Baltic: Evidence for Past Variability and Future Prognosis
P.C. Reid (solicited)
12:40 |
Lunch |
14:00 |
Poster Discussion II
15:30 |
Session 4 continued
Chair: Joakim Langner |
16:00 |
Long-range transport of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons over Europe and their deposition into the Baltic Sea
Armin Aulinger, V. Matthias, M. Quante
16:20 |
Impact of anthropogenic airborne nutrients to the bog ecosystem in the Eastern Baltic Sea basin
Marko Kaasik, T. Ploompuu, E. Meier, Ü. Sõukand, H. Kaasik, T. Alliksaar, J. Ivask, R. Ots
16:40 |
The drift and dispersion of an oil spill in the Baltic Sea ice season: Observation of the Runner 4 case
Keguang Wang, M. Leppäranta, M. Gästgifvars, J.Vainio
17:00 |
High Resolution Atmosphere-Sea Hydro-Ecological modelling in the coastal zone
Rein Tamsalu, V. Zalesny, R. Rõõm, R. Aps
17:20 |
End of Thursday’s Sessions |
19:30 |
Conference Dinner |
Friday 8 June |
Session 4: Linking BALTEX Science to Air and Water Quality and Impacts on Ecosystems continued
Chair: Timo Vihma |
8:30 |
The Baltic Sea Carbon Cycle: A challenge for research within BALTEX
Bernd Schneider (solicited)
9:00 |
Simulations of Atmospheric CO2 Concentration over Europe
Ute Karstens
9:20 |
Upscaling of CO2 fluxes
Sven-Erik Gryning, H. Soegaard, E. Batchvarova
9:40 |
A Comparison between Webb corrected Humidity and CO2 Spectra in the Marine Atmospheric Boundary Layer
Erik Sahlée, A.-S. Smedman, A. Rutgersson
10:00 |
Break |
Session 4 continued
Chair: Bernd Schneider |
10:30 |
The annual cycle of carbon-dioxide and parameters influencing the air-sea carbon exchange in the Baltic Proper
Anna Rutgersson, A.-S. Smedman, E. Sahlée, M. Norman, B. Schneider
10:50 |
Model for the air-sea gas exchange through film-covered water
Christoph Zülicke
11:10 |
Set up of a thermodynamic model of snow, snow ice and sea ice evolution to be coupled with a biogeochemical flux model
Letizia Tedesco, M. Vichi, J. Haapala, T. Stipa
11:30 |
Alkalinity in the Baltic Sea during 20th century
Sofia Hjalmarsson, L. Anderson, L. Mintrop, K. Wesslander, A. Omstedt, M. Pertillä
11:50 |
Modelling the carbon cycle in the Baltic Sea surface water
Anders Omstedt, K. Wesslander
12:10 |
Closing of the Conference |
12:30 |
End of the Conference |
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Final Conference Programme
Instructions for Oral and Poster Presentations