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BACC II Conference
Tallinn, Estonia
6 - 7 Sept 2012


Final Programme

as of 15 May 2009. Any further changes to the programme will be announced at the Conference.

Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday (Excursions)

Final programme with poster presentations as PDF click here.

Sunday 24 May 2009
16:00 - 20:00 Registration at the Conference Venue
19:00 Ice Breaker at the Conference Venue (Drinks/Snacks/Music)

Monday 25 May 2009
8:00-10:15 Registration at the Conference Venue
10:30 Opening Ceremony
Chair: Andrzej Witkowski
10:30 Inaugural Addresses

Stanisław Gawłowski, Secretary of State, Ministry of the Environment

Władysław Husejko, Marshal of the Province of Western Pomerania

Piotr Krzystek, Major of the City of Szczecin

Waldemar Tarczyński, Rector of the University of Szczecin

Keynote Lectures
Chair: Andrzej Witkowski
11:30 Winter air temperatures in the Baltic Sea region during the past millenium
Andres Tarand, Member of the EU Parliament
12:00 The BACC Strategy (BALTEX Assessment of Climate Change for the Baltic Sea basin)
Hans von Storch, Hans-Jörg Isemer, Marcus Reckermann, and the BACC Author Team
12:30 Lunch
Session A: "Marine and terrestrial proxies for reconstructions of paleo-climate"
Chair: Achim Brauer
14:00 Invited Lecture
Global Warming in the perspective of 20,000 years

Svante Björck
14:30 BONUS programme: INFLOW project – providing information on forcing mechanisms of environmental changes of the Baltic Sea during the past 6000 years and future scenarios
Aarno Kotilainen, Laura Arppe, Eystein Jansen, Juha Karhu, Mia Kotilainen, Antoon Kuijpers, Markus Meier, Matthias Moros, Thomas Neumann, Daria Ryabchuk, Ian Snowball, Mikhael Spiridonov, Andrzej Witkowski
14:50 Sedimentation of a marine deposit in the "Szczecin Bay" during the Littorina transgression
Ryszard Krzysztof Borowka, Andrzej Witkowski, Malgorzata Latalowa, Artur Skoweronek
15:10 Multi-proxy record of climate and Holocene palaeohydrological events in SE Wolin Island (Southern Baltic Sea)
Anna Pedziszewska, Kamila Mianowicz, Ryszard Krzysztof Borowka, Małgorzata Latałowa
15:30 Coffee
Chair: Aarno Kotilainen
16:00 Environmental change during the Holocene in the Baltic Sea based on sediment core analysis of the Eastern Gotland Basin
Michal Tomczak, J. Harff, A. Witkowski, R. Endler, M. Moros
16:20 Debatable questions of Holocene geological history of the Eastern Gulf of Finland
Darya Ryabchuk, Vladimir Zhamoida, Mikhail Spiridonov, Elena Nesterova, Andrey Grigoriev
16:40 Lake Hańcza (Northeastern Poland) – a new multi-proxy record of Lateglacial and early Holocene climate and environmental change from the Eastern Baltic
Stefan Lauterbach, Achim Brauer, Birgit Plessen, Peter Dulski, Katarzyna Zamelczyk, Krystyna Milecka, Tadeusz Namiotko, Matthias Hüls, Nils Andersen, Ulrich von Grafenstein, Dan L. Danielopol and DecLakes participants
17:00 Climatic changes reflected in high-resolution pollen diagram from Lake Hańcza, NE Poland
Krystina Milecka, Milena Obremska, Kazimierz Tobolski
17:20 Non-Stationarities in the Circulation-Climate-Relationship over the Baltic Sea and its Effects on Reconstructions of Climate Indices
Frederik Schenk, Daniel Hansson, Sebastian Wagner, Eduardo Zorita
17:40 Closing for the Afternoon
19:30 Evening Lecture
Nuclear Astrophysics versus Global Warming

Konrad Czerski, Institute of Physics, University of Szczecin
20:15 Closing for the Day

Tuesday 26 May 2009
Session D: "Prehistoric communities and climate change"
Chair: Marian Rebkowski
9:00 Invited Lecture
Hunting-gathering communities on the Kashubian Shoreland

Marcin Wąs
9:30 Hunters and fisher in a changing world - Preliminary results of the archaeological fieldwork 2003-2008 of the SINCOS research unit in Wismar Bay, Germany
Harald Lübke, Friedrich Lüth
9:50 Palynological data on the Late Mesolithic and the transition to the Neolithic economy in Wolin Island, the Southern Baltic coast
Malgorzata Latalowa, Anna Pedziszewska
10:10 Climate change influence on the human settlement in the region of Dziwna River (NW Poland)
Marek Dworaczyk, Andrzej Piotrowski, Justyna Relisko-Rybak, Jan Seidler
10:30 Coffee
11:00 Poster Discussion (click here for programme with list of posters)
13:00 Lunch
Session B: "Modelling of past climate change and future projections"
Chair: Jan Harff
14:00 Invited Lecture
Contribution of regional climate drivers to future winter Baltic Sea-level changes: An application of statistical downscaling to the output of global climate model simulations

Birgit Huenicke
14:30 Detailed assessment of climate variability of the Baltic Sea for the period 1950/70-2008
Andreas Lehmann, Klaus Getzlaff, Jan Harlass, Karl Bumke
14:50 Contemporary and future changes of snow accumulation of the south-east Baltic region
Lev Kitaev, Alexander Kislov
15:10 Variability of droughts in Poland, 1951-2006
Joanna Wibig, Gintautas Stankunavicius
15:30 Coffee
Chair: Eduardo Zorita
16:00 Seasonal structural front in the Baltic Sea under changing climate conditions : Field data analysis and numerical modelling results
Natalia Demchenko, Esuikova Elena
16:20 The weather generator: A tool for modeling agricultural and socio-economic response of future climate
Leszek Kuchar
16:40 Past and Future Changes in Latvian River Runoff: The Cases of Bērze and Salaca River Basins
Elga Apsite, Anda Bakute, Līga Kurpniece
17:00 Mechanisms of formation of the Baltic Sea cold intermediate layer: What to expect due to climate warming
Irina Chubarenko
17:20 The Fahrenheit scale and three hundred years of thermometry over the Baltic Sea
Roman Marks
17:40 Closing for the Afternoon
20:00 Conference Dinner: Buffet at the Conference Centre and Ceremony of awarding the University of Szczecin Medal "SIS QUI ES - PRO PUBLICO BONO" to Professor Jürgen Sündermann

Wednesday 27 May 2009
Session C: "Climate and anthroposphere interaction"
Chair: Barbara Batóg
9:00 Invited Lecture
Climate Change : New Challenges for State Geological Surveys of Germany

Ralf-Otto Niedermeyer
9:30 Impact of climate change on the long-term variability of the ecological state of the Curonian Lagoon of the Baltic Sea
Sergey Aleksandrov
9:50 Synchronous regime shifts in Baltic Sea ecosystems: Similarities and dissimilarities in response to climate, nutrients and fisheries
Thorsten Blenckner, Rabea Diekmann, Christian Möllmann, Anna Gårdmark, Michele Casini, Lena Bergström, Juha Flinkman, Bärbel Müller-Karulis, Martin Lindegren, Georgs Kornilovs, Maris Plikss
10:10 Quantitative inventory of exhaust gas emission from coastal fishing vessels in Poland
Tadeusz Borkowski, Jaroslaw Myskow
10:30 Coffee
Chair: Maciej Kowalewski
11:00 On the influence of anthropogenic factors and regional climatic changes on the dynamics of the bottom sediments of the Vistula Lagoon
Vladimir Chechko, Viktoria Kurchenko
11:20 Global environmental change and urban climate in Central European cities
Krzysztof Fortuniak
11:40 Extreme weather event in the Baltic region in July 2006: Its causes and consequences
Krzysztof Jarzyna
12:00 Anthropogenic changes in the region of Gdansk Zulawy (Vistula Delta) resulting from climatic effects
Wojciech Majewski
12:20 Climate change and the future of water sports around the Baltic Sea region
Ralf Scheibe
12:40 Lunch
Session E: "Climate variability and change impacts on Baltic Sea coasts"
Chair: Peter Fröhle
13:40 Invited Lecture
Sea level and coast changes of the southern Baltic Sea during the last 9,000 calendar years and their controlling factors

Karol Rotnicki
14:10 Using Sedsim to predict the response of coastal sediments to climate change in Australia
Cedric M. Griffiths, Tristan Salles, Fangjun Li, Chris P. Dyt
14:30 Modelling historical coastline change with Sedsim: The development of the Darss-Zingst peninsula since 1696 AD
Michael Meyer, Jan Harff, Lars Tiepolt, Chris Dyt
14:50 From the field to the map: The landslide inventory and geohazard assesment of the steep cliff coast in NE Germany
Karsten Obst, Karsten Schütze
15:10 Coffee
Chair: Zygmunt Meyer
15:40 Measured sea level rise at the Baltic Sea Cost of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern and implications for the design of coastal structures
Steffi Dimke, Peter Fröhle
16:00 Coastal abrasion of the coasts of the Świna Gate Sandbar caused by the heavy storm surge on November 2004
Tomasz A. Labuz, Halina Kowalewska-Kalkowska
16:20 Sand barriers: Disappearing resources, the Hel Peninsula case
Stanislaw Rudowski, Benedykt Hac, Łukasz Gajewski, Leszek Łęczyński, Jarosław Nowak, Kazimierz Szefler
16:40 Long-term changes in the rate of coastal erosion in the Kaliningrad Oblast (south-east Baltic)
Boris Chubarenko, Eugenii Burnashov, Vadim Boldyrev, Valentina Bobykina, Konstantin Karmanov
17:00 Climate change and anthropogenic impact on bottom sediment environment in recent 30 years, Pearl River Estuary
Cheng Tang, Wenhuan Zhan, Zhen Xia, Bjoern Heise
17:20 Closing Ceremony

Thursday 28 May 2009
All Day Excurions (alternatively)
  • The inner and outer coasts of Wolin Island
  • The coasts of Rügen Island
  • Expedition with R/V NAWIGATOR XXI to the Pommeranian Bay (by invitation only)

Friday 29 May 2009: Departure of Participants

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Last update of this page: 15 May 2009