The BALTEX Publication Library
Compilation of BALTEX Publications (pdf)
Welcome to the BALTEX Publication Library!
The BALTEX Publication Library contains both (i) papers originating from the BALTEX programme and (ii) other publications, which are not a result of the BALTEX programme, but are related to the objectives of BALTEX to some extent. Those papers which originate from the BALTEX programme are currently identified in the Library by having "BALTEX" inserted in the keyword list. The Library is continuously being updated. Hence, if you wish to limit your search actions to BALTEX results, always insert "BALTEX" into the keyword box.
All BALTEX participants are urgently requested to check the Library for completeness of their BALTEX publications!
The Library is established as a database using FileMaker Pro 5.5 software. It is installed on a file server of the GKSS Research Center,Geesthacht, Germany. You may view, print and search publication records in the Library. For security reasons visitors have no permission to add, delete or edit entries; the latter is being done exclusively by Silke Köppen at the BALTEX Secretariat.
If you wish to add an entry to the Library, mail a hardcopy of the publication to the BALTEX Secretariat.
You may additionally send an e-mail to the BALTEX Secretariat and provide the following information:
Subject: BALTEX Publication Library
- Authors: first author: family name, initial/co-authors: initial, family name aso.
- Title of publication
- Affiliation of first author
- Country of residence of first author
- E-mail address of first author
- Journal name, volume number, pages
- Year of publication
- Keywords - maximum 5
- Abstract (in English)
Attention: Please, send an e-mail as well, if you wish to edit or delete an existing publication entry.
For any questions or suggestions, you may have, contact Silke Köppen at the BALTEX Secretariat.